Royal Court’s second dementia wing is underway

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Royal Court’s second dementia wing is underway

At our Royal Court care home, we’re developing a new wing for residents to live well with dementia.

Our charity are adapting what we provide to cater for the rise in demand for dementia care in Gloucestershire.

We’re converting one of our ground floor residential care areas at Royal Court, into a self-contained safe dedicated dementia care wing, accommodating 7 people.

The development will maintain the bedrooms, with one bedroom being created into a lovely lounge and kitchen diner, for a peaceful communal place to spend time. Plus the home’s front lawn is being fenced off and landscaped into a secluded and beautiful garden for residents to potter around in.

The wing will be a replica of their first dementia wing, Butterfly and also Faithfull House’s Bluebell wing. A dedicated team of experienced staff, with higher than usual staff to resident ratios. The setting will be smaller, calm and tranquil, compared to the vibrant main residential home areas, providing familiarity, extra reassurance and comfort to its residents.

Daily activities will be on a one to one basis and include music therapy, cookery, massage and gentle exercise. Activities will also include doing day to day tasks which give residents a sense of purpose and routine, which those living with dementia really benefit from.

The home’s other accommodation, which are spacious apartment styled – with a bedroom, lounge, bathroom and kitchen, will continue to offer 24 hour residential care.

Our brilliant maintenance team have made a great start on the exterior plans. We’ll update you with the developments.

Meanwhile, the team at Royal Court would be happy to show you their Butterfly suite and the rest of their home.

Please get in touch with us if you need advice and a place to care for your loved ones living with dementia.

Take a read more about our dementia care across the charity: