National Women’s Network with Cheryl Luzet, CEO Wagada

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National Women’s Network with Cheryl Luzet, CEO Wagada

Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Harnessing Your Strengths

Research shows that in tests of emotional intelligence, women tend to score higher than men in areas of empathy, interpersonal relationships and social responsibility. These skills are linked to greater success in work, life and leadership, meaning that when harnessed in the right way, we can use these elements to address the unique challenges and opportunities women face in leadership roles.

There are five key components of EI: self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills and these each play a unique role in effective leadership. These skills help us to cope in times of pressure and to manage and control our response to external events. A strong EI allows us to embrace our failures and constantly strive to improve our weaknesses through self-development. Strong empathy and social skills give us a community to call upon in times of trouble, and a network of support around us.

Emotional intelligence supports us to navigate the common challenges women face in the workplace such as stereotypes, gender bias, and work-life balance, as well as drawing on our reserves to become more resilient.

As leaders, we set the tone for an emotionally intelligent culture and work environment, which fosters support and self-improvement. We can all use EI to improve our communication at work, as well as building resilience, staying emotionally balanced and avoiding burnout. Find out how to develop your own unique leadership style, bringing your emotional intelligence to the forefront, and improve your business performance.

Please watch Cheryl’s Presentation here: