6 things we learnt from the CEO of Timpson’s – BBC Radio 5 Live

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6 things we learnt from the CEO of Timpson’s – BBC Radio 5 Live

Taken from the BBC Radio 5 Live – Read the full article & to watch the interview, head over to the BBC Website here:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/1J7x50pDt5DrcPJ57B7kkM9/6-things-we-learnt-from-the-ceo-of-timpson-s 

James Timpson runs the company founded by his great grandfather and says he tries to maximise staff happiness with what he calls “upside down management”. That’s the subject of his new book ‘The Happy Index’.

He believes his employees’ wellbeing is the secret to running a successful company.

James is also Chair of the Prison Reform Trust and has pioneered the recruitment of ex-offenders to work in his high street shops.

Speaking to 5 Live’s Nihal Arthanayake, here are 6 things we learnt about James…

1. To get the best out of people, you need to show kindness to them

2. You have to understand the feelings & emotions of people to achieve financial results

3. To be a great boss, you need to know your people

4. A business is a community; we support colleagues in everything

5. If they’re not happy in the job, help them to be happy somewhere else

6. It’s not all about growth and money; it’s about value, culture and giving back