Leader Insight – Martin Ebdon, Account Director, Lines Group

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Leader Insight – Martin Ebdon, Account Director, Lines Group

At The Lines Group we believe in the power of brand and the importance of brand strategy. By helping our clients to gain a deeper understanding of their brand, we are able to produce creative work that not only looks and sounds authentic, but that aligns with and supports the broader goals of their business.

To facilitate this deeper level of learning and exploration, we have designed a brand strategy workshop: Submarine™. The workshop allows us to take a deep dive (hence the name) into why brands really exist, what their values are, who they are speaking to, what makes them different from their competitors and how we can use this differentiation to provide them with a competitive edge.

Submarine™ is a day-long workshop designed to spark conversation and critical thinking. The exercises included in the workshop provide key stakeholders an opportunity to focus on, understand and talk about their business in a way that in many cases, they may never have done before. It’s serious work, but we include some practical and visual exercises to keep everyone energised and engaged.

As part of our delivery, we also carry out customer research. Typically, eight to ten interviews provide enough feedback for us to see patterns in the feedback, and build a picture of the brand’s reputation from the customer’s point of view.

This research allows us to identify gaps between how the brand believes it is perceived and how its customers really feel about it, as in so many cases, these perceptions are not aligned.

Armed with the most salient information learned during the workshop, and an understanding of ‘the gap’, we then go away and create a brand strategy roadmap. This document empowers stakeholders with a new understanding of their brand, and the tools to use it more effectively across all internal and external communications.

Aside from the tangible benefits of undertaking brand strategy work, the workshop experience can be hugely cathartic, and we have seen many stakeholders leave the room with a renewed energy, vigour and sense of purpose for their business.

With this new found sense of clarity and a clearly defined roadmap, business owners are empowered with a fresh understanding of how to leverage their most powerful asset (their brand) to achieve their business goals.

Martin Ebdon Lines Group

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